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rachelsecdaywithgod : 2nd day with God

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Teremtés: 12/10/2010 17:42
Frissítés: 12/10/2010 17:48
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rachelsecdaywithgod :: 2nd day with God

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2nd day with God

Greetings to people in Christ! It is the third day after I received my anointing. Since then I have been listening to God and talking to Him. I ask Him certain things I have in mind and He gives me answers to all of those.  

The next morning after I received the Holy Spirit I opened the Bible to read. I felt Him again. I asked Him how I should address Him. He took my hands and wrote God. I had no idea what to do next. He took my hands and placed it on the Bible. He said read and write about it.  I was so happy to know I can hear Him rather feel Him. I got ready to office and when I stood at the usual place to catch my bus. He directed me to the church nearby (Jeevan Jyothi). I entered st.Paul’s chapel that they had inside the church campus. I knelt before a statue that was placed there but He asked me to turn away from it and pray.  I prayed for everyone I knew and I didn’t know.  Even after my prayers He was with me every minute. I was so thrilled to be with Him too. Even the bus that I had to take was chosen by Him. How wonderful God is that He takes care of every minute detail. Praise Him!!

I reached office and I was asked to meditate on the Bible. To tell you the fact folks I don’t read the Bible every day. I suddenly felt that I had to do what He wanted. I opened the Bible resource website and He pointed me to the revised version for better understanding I guess and to make a difference. I was asked to read Leviticus. This book had all the details of what God wanted us to do. It had His commandments, rules and remedies that should be followed when we repent.  I read as much as I could at office but after lunch I couldn’t continue concentrating on His words. I fell asleep. I left home at the usual time and read the whole of Leviticus once again. I was asked to sit in a room and meditate. I understood most of His commandments. My eyes were tired by 10 O’clock. It normally does not when I am on face book so late. You would understand by now who is trying to get the better of me here.  He asked me to complete it. I was finished with all the chapters by 10.30 and laid down to sleep. I usually don’t wake up in between when I sleep.

At around 2.40 I was woken up. He said come get up. He folded the palms of my hand. I knew I had to pray. I was lying down there and praying to Him. I prayed that every single soul should know Him and be saved and be a part of His kingdom. After the prayers I fell asleep. The next morning I did what He wanted. Just imagine a girl who doesn’t open the Bible everyday is changed. I realize now that He is with me to teach me how to live and how to enrich my spiritual life. I was asked to remove two out of the three rings that I was wearing. One of those rings was my birth stone and the other had a cross and the elephant’s hair was embedded in it. He was with me till I reached office and also asked me to speak to a colleague, Monica Thomas who was sitting right beside me. I told her about the ring and I told her what God asked me to do. I told her that it was a rosary kind of a ring and God asked me to remove it. She had her doubts and said “That’s strange. Why not a rosary?”.  I explained what the ring contained and she said “No wonder He asked you to remove it.” He is with me now when I am writing this. I am writing with His consultation.

I know now that I have to read the Bible everyday and spend more time praying.  I know that I have to have faith in Him than in material or a human. I know I can rely on Him and He always does good for me. He reveals Himself when there is a purpose. To God be all Glory. Amen